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*** THERE IS A PURCHASE LIMIT OF ONE (1) TIN PER CUSTOMER ON THIS BLEND! If you order more than 1 tin we will have to cancel your order and refund your purchase. This blend is extremely hard to get right now. Thank you for your cooperation!


Wessex Curly Block is a unique presentation for pipe tobacco! Each block (I would call it a large roll) weighs 9.7 ounces and is made of high quality Virginia grades, Burley and a bit of Perique. For at least 6 weeks the mixture rests in the press, ferments gently to eventually reveal the multilayered taste nuances. After the aging period the broad rope is divided into blocks at 250 grams each. At smoking the connoisseur can expect wonderful, natural sweet notes. Perique enriches the mixture by spicyness, strength, and discreet fruity tastes. The tobacco is of middle strength and full flavor. Wessex Curly Block is delivered in a plastic-lined brown bag.


According to the Heinrichs family this used to be made by Mac Baren, yet these days is produced by STG (Scandinavian Tobacco Group) and imported by K&K (Kohlhase & Kopp). It's currently sold under the Wessex brand name.

Curly Block

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